
We regularly host webinars that discuss the foundations of applied FHE, the latest advances in the OpenFHE project and applications of FHE.  The expected audience is anyone interested in lattice-based crypto, homomorphic encryption and/or its applications, with a focus on application developers, engineers, researchers and students.

To learn about upcoming webinars, you can register for the OpenFHE open source library’s announcements Google Group here: https://groups.google.com/a/openfhe.org/g/announcements

Recorded webinars

These webinars are content originally developed for the legacy PALISADE open-source FHE software library.  All of the content is relevant to the OpenFHE open source software project.

Homomorphic Encryption for OpenFHE Users

WebAssembly and JavaScript Applications

Homomorphic Encryption for OpenFHE Users

Blockchain and Web Applications

Homomorphic Encryption for OpenFHE Users

Best Practices for Building Efficient Homomorphic Encryption Solutions

Secure Large-Scale Genome

Secure Genomic Analysis using Homomorphic Encryption

Homomorphic Encryption for OpenFHE Users

Introduction to Approximate Homomorphic Encryption

Homomorphic Encryption for OpenFHE Users

Homomorphic Encryption Serialization for Applications

Homomorphic Encryption for OpenFHE Users

Introduction to Multiparty Homomorphic Encryption

Homomorphic Encryption for OpenFHE Users

Applications of Homomorphic Encryption over Integers

Homomorphic Encryption for OpenFHE Users

Integer Arithmetic

Homomorphic Encryption for OpenFHE Users

Boolean Arithmetic with Applications

Homomorphic Encryption for OpenFHE Users

Introduction to Homomorphic Encryption

Introduction to OpenFHE

By Kurt Rohloff and Yuriy Polyakov